Posted by: Shdowgroudon | April 6, 2008

Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension!

Hey guys!

This just in: the next season of Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl is called “Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension”! The first episode is ‘Tears for Fears’, which is about Chimchar adjusting to Ash’s training methods, as opposed to Paul’s harsh ones. It will be airing on Cartoon Network on April 12th, so stay tuned for more info!



  1. […] Shdowgroudon wrote an interesting post today on Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension!Here’s a quick excerptThis just in: the next season of Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl is called Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension! The first episode is ‘Chimchar’s Tears’ (Japanese translated title). It will be airing on Cartoon Network soon, so stay tuned for … […]

  2. hey click my name we made a new video!

  3. […] (Japanese translated title). It will be airing on Cartoon Network soon, so stay tuned for … credit : […]

  4. hi collolololol

  5. It’s called “Tears For Fears”

  6. i lovet

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